We are creating an art installation.
Many strikes have happened the last few years and while these were happening we were thinking that carers may never have this opportunity, even though our rights are not being met. Carers can't strike because people are unable to survive without our care, no union to support us and massive levels of guilt.
Invisible Army would like to bring carers voices together to empower and educate.
If you were to join a carers strike, what would be written on your placard?
What’s your key message? What do you want people to understand about being a carer? What do you think needs to change for carers?
Keep your message short, simple and punchy! A great slogan will make people stop and think, and challenge the mainstream narrative.
There are three ways to share your voice:
1. Find a piece of cardboard no bigger than A3 and some pens or paint. Write your statement. Use words, images or symbols. Then post it to us at Meridian Vale House, Meridian Vale, Bristol BS8 1BY.
Do write your name and email address in the envelope so we can keep you up to date with the exhibition details.
2. Share what you would say on your placard here - https://forms.gle/QNBmYedp4YtWvytv9
We will then create your placard for you.
3. If you live in Bristol or the surrounding areas and would be interested in attending a Placard Making Workshop, send us an email letting us know your interest and we will invite you as soon as we have booked a date.
We will be displaying the placards in Decmeber 2024 at Circular ArtSpace in Fishponds - www.circularartspace.co.uk
We will give more details about this nearer the time
but do please get your placards to us as soon as possible,
as it allows us to work on the design.