Gerry shared, “Terry is often quite apprehensive before going to these dementia support groups, but I know she settles down well and seems to enjoy the company. "Terry is often more at ease in the company of others, this is a reflection of her sociable personality. Terry likes conversations but due to her illness past and present often interweave into a tapestry of imaginative stories. “Her memory works as if she’s trying to do a jigsaw with pieces from several thousand-piece puzzles all thrown in together. It’s hard when she gets frustrated because I don’t understand what she’s trying to get me to remember.”

More than a Memory
We are very excited to be working with the Royal West of England Academy (RWA) in Bristol. Alongside their art exhibition, 'More Than Memory: dementia, art and caring for loved ones, ' we will be displaying stories of carers caring for someone with Dementia. We have spent time with five carers and the person they care for, writing their stories and taking photographs.
Do visit this free exhibition! 04 February - 23 March 2025
Click here for - RWA more than memory art and dementia website
Thank you to the National Lottery Community Fund
for funding our exhibition as part of the RWA's exhibition.

Marie no longer eats; therefore, her sole source of nutrition is provided within milkshakes, of which each bottle is a nutritionally complete formula containing all essential vitamins and minerals the human body needs. This has been difficult for her daughter, Annette, to see; she is witnessing her strong, independent, and caring mum become frail and withdrawn. Annette missing most that she is no longer parented, her mum now rarely asks after her.